Begin with the end in mind

Dr. Stephen R Covey

During our first conversation we will explore what it is you are wanting to achieve. There will be questions …

  • What does the outcome look like
  • Do you already have a specific grant or funding target or do you require some research and scoping of opportunity?
  • What level of funding would allow exponential growth?
  • Is it achievable without the proposed funding?
  • How quickly can you implement once funding is secure?

Far from a prescriptive interrogation list this will be a genuine conversation about your organisation, your ‘why’, and your goals. There will be an approach that is curious and enquiring – no hard sell. To achieve a result we need to be in a partnership and that requires understanding.

Along with the questions there will be some practical aspects you will need to know about our engagement; timing, pricing, process. Pricing is primarily dependent on the project complexity however in most situations there will be an upfront payment to cover a prescribed number of hours and a small percentage on success.

We will draft a project engagement agreement and we will then ask you to provide all the administration and financial details for your organisation – ABN, Bank, Audited Financials, Location.

Lets see how you will change the world!

“The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones that do.”

Your first consultation is on me